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Taom: The Art of Meditation

Taom: The Art of Meditation

Tech Stack

Flutter, Firebase: Authentication, Firestore, Storage, Remote Config, Cloud Messaging, Analytics, Crashlytics, Riverpod, RxDart, RevenueCat, MVVM

Key Implementations
  • Developed a fully functional audio player with features like adding to favorites, rewind, start over, caching, and displaying remaining time, enhancing user engagement.

  • Implemented a draggable mini player for user convenience.

  • Custom Promo Code System utilizing Firestore and stream, promoting user engagement.

  • Implemented Dark/Light mode and Localization to cater to diverse user preferences.

  • Conducted unit tests, widget tests, and integration tests ensuring app reliability.

  • Leveraged TypeScript and NodeJS for backend operations through Cloud functions.

  • Integrated a Watch App with multi-language support to the existing Flutter application.

  • Integrated a Sticker Extension to the existing Flutter application.