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Blaze: Learn Vocabularies from Your Life

Blaze: Learn Vocabularies from Your Life

Tech Stack
  • Flutter: Utilized for a cross-platform, responsive UI/UX.

  • Firebase: Used for Authentication, Firestore for real-time database, Storage for file management, Remote Config for on-the-fly updates, Cloud Messaging for user notifications, Analytics for usage data, and Crashlytics for app monitoring and troubleshooting.

  • Riverpod & RxDart: Employed for state management and stream handling.

  • RevenueCat: Integrated for subscription and in-app purchase management.

  • MVVM Architecture: Adopted for a maintainable and scalable code structure.

Key Implementations
  • Vocabulary Groups: Feature allows learning through song keywords, exam keywords, film keywords, and more, enhancing thematic learning.

  • Learning Styles: Different modes of learning like listening (with Google TTS integration), quizzes, and example sentences are implemented to suit diverse user preferences.

  • Algorithms: Personalized word filtration algorithms adapt to user's language proficiency level.

  • Statistics Tracking: Daily series and word count statistics are monitored to track and encourage learning progress.

  • Language Choices: Application supports multiple language interfaces including Turkish (TR), English (EN), Spanish (ES), French (FR), and German (DE).

  • Revenue Model: Integrated a single paywall with plans to test a two paywall system for revenue optimization.

  • Promo Code System: Designed to engage users and promote continued use of the app